Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Give thanks this holiday season...the mindful way!

A word from our Registered Dietitian:
Holidays are a special time to celebrate with friends and families. They bring out many wonderful feelings: giving, sharing, loving, kindness, warmth, and friendship. Along with these wonderful feelings, comes festive meals. A typical holiday meal can be upwards of 2000-3000 calories, which is more than most of us need in an entire day. This overindulgence can sometimes lead to what people called the “unavoidable” holiday weight gain. During this holiday season don’t feel guilty and don’t forgo your favorite holiday foods. But at the same time, don’t adopt the “indulge now, diet later” attitude. Remind your children and yourself to be a mindful eater and practice everything in moderation.
Enjoy your holidays.

Garden Education

Garden Education

8-minute morning activities

8-minute morning activities

Nutrition Education

Nutrition Education